My body was braille / for the creeping influences: / dawn suns groped over my head / and cooled at my feet / through my fabrics and skins / the seeps of winter / digested me, | Seamus Heaney, excerpt from The Bog Queen

In June 2024, I began a two-year, low-residency pursuit of an MFA in Creative Nonfiction. I am writing a Science and Nature book on bogs, Iron Age Bog People, aging, dying, the ecology of death, and the sacred, with an overall theme about preservation, of ourselves and our planet.

Having gone through long-time infertility struggle, I feel a kinship to bogs that are often described as ‘infertile’ or ‘barren’ environments. I am intimately familiar with the sting of such terminology. I am consequently drawn to fertility and infertility in both humans and environment and where they intersect in humans, the more-than-human, and our shared landscapes.

Above are some of the photographs I have made thus far during my research in Denmark, Ireland, at Canada’s only ‘body farm,’ the REST[ES] facility at UQTR in Québec, and since moving to Nova Scotia, where I currently reside.

Find my latest writing at my Substack. For inquiries about my writing, my book, and ongoing research, please reach out.